Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Philip!...For Real this Time

Phil's birthday was last Sunday on June 12. Because he got his birthday present (an iPad) two months early, he knew that he wasn't really going to get much for his birthday. However, I did have a few fun things up my sleeve.

The Friday before his birthday, we went to Texas Road House for dinner! We absolutely LOVE that place and it was even better because we got a free appetizer for his bday.

Phil and I have been talking about growing tomatoes this summer. Ok, well I've been doing most of the talking. Phil doesn't even like tomatoes (crazy man!) but he has been supportive of the idea. So on Saturday night while Phil was working, I went to Home Depot with my dad and we both got supplies for our little gardens. I got a Roma tomato plant, and as a surprise for Phil, I got him a jalapeno plant. He loves jalapenos (crazy man again!) so I knew he would like to grow one...well TRY growing one. I know nothing about gardening so this is a shot in the dark for me. He loved this little surprise and we are both excited about reaping the fruit of our labors!

On Sunday morning I made Phil a birthday breakfast of waffles with buttermilk syrup. I swear I was following the recipe but it turns out I cooked the syrup for too long so it kind of caramelized. All that means is that I made butter-caramel-milk syrup instead of ordinary buttermilk syrup. There is nothing wrong with those three things (butter, caramel, and milk) so the syrup still turned out great!

Because Phil got his present early (his choice not mine), I wasn't buying him anything else. I did, however, decide to surprise him by making him a birthday cake. My mom helped me with them and they turned out delicious and beautiful. I couldn't decide between a red velvet cake and my mom's famous raspberry almond cake. So I made them both!!!

Red Velvet

Raspberry Almond

Phil and I had dinner with his family and then my family surprised Phil by joining us for dessert! Phil loved his cakes and it was so fun spending the evening with both of our families.

Phil and my beautiful sisters!

My nephews are the cutest things. Tyler was showing off his Lightning McQueen sunglasses for me!

Dallin plays this adorable game where you say, "Where's Dallin?", and he covers his face...then he uncovers his face and you say, "There he is!" He could play this game forever. It's so cute!

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