Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Philip! ...Two months early?

One of the things I love about Philip is how passionate he is. I'm coming to realize that this passion can greatly benefit me and I know that it will benefit our future family someday. However, this passion can also drive me slightly crazy depending on how it is focused :)

Lately, Phil has been obsessed with the iPad 2. He has recently convinced himself that he really needs an iPad. As he puts it, an iPad will "enhance my life." Just to illustrate how adorable he is when his passionate side kicks in, two days ago we talked about nothing but an iPad! No joke. Ok, granted we only saw each other for a few minutes before he went to school, 30 minutes after he got home but before I went to school, 30 minutes after I got home but before he went to work for the night, and 30 minutes when he got home from work before we went to bed. Oh, and then we did text about the iPad throughout his shift as well. So there wasn't tons of face time, but an iPad was the topic of discussion. See...cute right? But kind of annoying in a totally loving way!

I did a lot of thinking that day and I kind of came to the realization that he was going to get an iPad but I wanted it to be under my own terms. At 11:30 Monday night as I was washing my face, I realized that the next day was April 12th, exactly 2 months before his June 12th birthday. I kept thinking, and decided I was going to surprise him with the iPad as an early bday present. So yesterday I went to the BYU bookstore and bought the iPad 2 and a green cover, just like he wanted. Throughout the day, I decided that if I'm going to give him his present early, why not go all out and celebrate early as well. I sent out a mass text to lots of our friends and told them I was throwing Phil a surprise party that night. I know this was totally last minute but I was actually really excited about doing it. And more importantly, I knew he would be really excited about getting his iPad.

After school I went to the store and bought balloons, soda, and Chex Mix. I thought about making a birthday cake but I was already planning on making cookies for a friend and Phil knew that, so I stuck with cookies as to not raise suspicion. When he got home from a meeting at the U of U, I set him on the couch and this is what happened...

I didn't get the excited reaction I was hoping for on camera, but don't you worry, later he was jumping up and down all over the place. I was really glad he was happy. But I honestly didn't understand why he already figured I had bought him an iPad. He said it was because I was late coming home from school and I'm never late. I think that's a stupid reason especially since I had a totally legit lie for being late, plus I had told him over and over that I was still thinking about whether or not I even thought we should buy one. Apparently he knows me too well just like he said.

He might have seen through the first surprise but there was no way he was expecting friends to show up for a party. We had dinner and Phil spilt on his shirt so he decided he would just get in his PJs and settle in for the night even though it was only 7. Haha I thought it would be hilarious if people showed up and Phil was in his pajamas so I didn't tell him to change. Plus, I wasn't going to ruin this surprise and make him suspicious by telling him to put clothes on.

Although Phil claims he suspected the iPad, he was very surprised that I had thrown together a party as well. Even though it might sound kind of lame and cheesy to do all this...I like cheesy, and Phil definitely loved his Birthday Party. So Happy Birthday Phil...(oh, and happy Easter, fathers day, anniversary, Halloween, and Thanksgiving! We just rolled everything into this iPad. I hope it is worth it). I love you Phil and your passions!

This is Phil's cake made out of cookies!
He only got 10 candles instead of 24 because they were hard to put in the cookies.

Even my little sister Ali came!


  1. so fun! we got an iPad for christmas from my work and we LOVE it. you are sure to enjoy it as well. if only the iPad allowed Flash...

  2. haha yeah flash would be sweet. Why isn't my video working? :(

  3. Katelyn you are such a cute wifey. I love his reaction!! haha I'm sure he absolutely loved it. You're so cute.

  4. haha that's too funny! I love the PJ's story and that you didn't tell him. Sorry we didn't make it!

  5. You are the cutest wife!!! Seriously!! I LOVE that you threw all that together. I'm glad he was surprised about the party, even if he was suspicious about the ipad - the stinker! He does know you! And I love that. You 2 are absolutely perfect for each other. Really. Now, how's that for cheesy? Love you!!

  6. He was using it at work tonight. Have a Happy Birthday Phil!

  7. HAHAHA!! kate...i was literally laughing out loud!! you are hilarious and so dang cute!! and the cheesy in me thinks its adorable he had a suspicion thats what you had done!! I need some kate in my life...seriously!! love you girly!!
