Friday, July 22, 2011

My Baby is Growing!

Oh the miracle of life!

I am 6 weeks along...

Not THAT type of baby!!!!!

Remember this little Roma tomato plant/baby of mine...

BAM...!!! Look at it 6 weeks later

And Phil's little jalapeno plant...


It's been so fun to watch them grow! We did have a little scare with them though. Last weekend Phil and I went to Lake Powell with his family. I wanted to get the plants a babysitter because they were going to miss two days of watering before we were back home. Phil was pretty confident that they would be fine so I didn't get anyone to water them. We got back from Powell on Sunday and Phil went out to water them. He came back inside and told me that they were dying. I thought he was kidding...I hoped he was kidding...he wasn't. I went outside to see and the poor things looked horrible. They were droopy and brown. I honestly wanted to cry. And I'm not even exaggerating. I felt like I had been so good with them for the past 6 weeks only to go away for the weekend and kill them. Lucky for us, we checked on them later that evening and they looked great. They just needed some water and a little TLC!

Today, Phil and I counted 30 tomatoes on my plant and 4 jalapenos on his (but there are several jalapeno buds just waiting to pop). It's so exciting. I can't wait for my tomatoes to ripen up so I can eat them!

That's my biggest tomato so far.
Strangely, it doesn't look as big in the
picture as it does in real life.

I'm so proud of my little babies ;)

And no! I'm really not pregnant with a baby. I feel like I need to clear that up ;)


  1. Ok, that was not funny! I seriously was going to kill you. I contemplated not even speaking to you for not telling me that you were pregnant.
    All a big lie Katelyn. That's awesome though. You guys are such good gardeners. Congratulations!

  2. One more thing. It kind of made me sad when your baby turned out to be tomatoes. I got really excited too :(

  3. Haha oh my gosh! I totally thought you were pregnant. After I saw the first part of the post I told Brandon to hand me my phone so that I could text you and tell you congrats! That was a good one:)

  4. Oh MAN!!!!! I REALLY was sooooo excited for you!! Now that you've cried wolf I'm never gonna believe you. but your tomatoes do look nummy!

  5. HAHAHA OH MY GOSH!!!! I thought you were pregnant!! That was good. That was reeeaallly good. I will babysit for you anytime you leave! We don't want any of those babies dying.
