Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Yummy Surprise

This past Saturday I sat down and made a list of all the assignments/papers/tests I still have to do/write/take before the semester is over and finals start in just over two weeks. Needless to say, I became very overwhelmed and I once again wished I wasn't a procrastinator and for the billionth time, I resolved to change that habit (we will see). Phil had work today from 2-10 so since he left, I have very studiously been working away on my list (with a minor break to watch 'Gilmore Girls' (I can't resist)). The list is still long but at least I feel like I've been productive and deserving of a blog break.

Since eating dinner, I have been fighting this awful craving for something sweet. As luck would have it, I honestly have nothing sweet in my house. I tried eating a grapefruit but that just didn't do it for me. So I turned to my BFF Natalie! She said they had Nutella and crepes. Before I knew it, there was a knock at my door. Drew was outside holding this...

And in his best girl voice he said, "Room service" and walked in to deliver my treat. It seriously was the yummiest strawberry and Nutella crepe I could ever ask for and it definitely hit that sweet tooth. Thanks Drew & Natalie!


  1. The Best!? I am glad it hit the spot. I am just glad we had something to bring you. I know how it can be when those cravings hit, especially if your husband won't share his Ben & Jerry's. You're VERY welcome. Love you BFFer!

  2. That is so awesome. You just made me want something sweet and yummy. So nice to have great friends like that. And as far as the rest of the semester goes - hang in there. It'll be over before you know it. And then, we can just party all summer!

  3. I made these for breakfast for Jason today! Yum. :)
