Friday, February 24, 2012

Valentines Day--2012

Quick update before our Valentines day....

Phil had his interview for the occupational therapy masters program at the U of U on February 10. The interview went incredibly well and he basically nailed it with his charming personality! We should hear if he got accepted by the mid to end of March.

Doesn't he look so cute all dressed up and holding the good luck poster I made him?!

So usually Phil and I go out to dinner for valentines day, but this year we decided we would make a nice dinner together at home. I got home from school and found this little display on the kitchen table...

Alright so the chocolate covered strawberries and eclairs are from Phil's mom...but still ;)

The menu for the evening consisted of our new favorite recipe of stuffed chicken, with asparagus and oven roasted potatoes. And for dessert, hot lava cakes with raspberry sauce and ice-cream! Yummy I know!!!

Phil had this cute idea of getting dressed up for our dinner. It was so great! Before dinner we had a little appetizer.

Yes, we are feeding the strawberries to each other (well he is feeding mine to the camera, but still...cute right?)

The meal turned out incredibly. It was 100 times better than anything we could have had at a restaurant.

This picture makes the chicken look pink, but I swear it was fully cooked!!!
The chicken also has a delicious sauce, but I didn't put it on for the picture.
Ah, it was so yummy!!!

Sorry the picture is kind of blurry.
But inside you can see the ooey gooey deliciousness of chocolate!

2012 was definitely one of the best V-Days so far!

It ended with Phil giving me the best back tickle/massage.

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