Sunday, September 4, 2011


It seems like people always talk about how the summer went by too fast. Well…that has never been more true for me. I took classes at BYU spring and summer terms. My summer finals ended two weeks before fall semester started. My two weeks of summer vacation definitely went by WAY too fast. During my break from school, my main priority was getting our Provo apartment packed up so we could move into Phil’s parent’s basement in Highland.

Packing was somewhat of an emotional process for me. I thought about how I was going to miss our cute little apartment that we have lived in for the past two years, the great married student ward we have become apart of, and being close to our incredible friends in Provo. Despite these feelings, change inevitably comes as a part of life and it usually turns out for the best. I mean you can't stay in a married student ward forever right? Phil and I are ready to start this new chapter of our life.

I thought I’d post a few pictures of our first apartment for my memory’s sake.

Our moving boxes haha. Phil and I had to get up at 3am to go pick these up!

Goodbye to our empty apartment

After we moved to Highland, we didn’t have long to get settled in before Phil started classes at U of U. My classes started a week later so I had more time to get things situated. Things are finally starting to feel settled (pictures to come).

We have gone to our new ward for three weeks now. It is a lot different than the married student ward we are used to. But once again, change is a good thing. We are in Phil’s family ward so he knows a lot more people than I do. I’m trying my best to get to know people. However, I got a calling today, which may slightly impede my abilities to continue getting to know people. I got called to work in the nursery… change is good … I keep reminding myself. The kids are cute so I’m sure it will be a good experience (or at least just an experience). Phil has yet to receive a calling, but he is super excited for it to come.


  1. I agree, it was emotional for us too. At least we flew the nest first. I don't think I would have been able to stick around if you guys weren't there.
    The nursery huh? We have been called to "substitute" a couple of times. Drew gets mawled because the kids love him and I just think, "it will be easier with my own kids". You'll be great though! Glad things are going well. We need to do something...SOON!

  2. What a great post! I love the pictures of your apartment and cannot wait to see pictures of what you do with your new place. And as for your calling - you will be wonderful. I love watching you with my kiddos, so I know you will be great. Do you get to work with Sister Guymon? I'm excited for you if you do - she is one of the greatest women I know. Can't wait for more pics!
